Welcome to OrthoExpressTM Orthodontic Training


    Welcome to OrthoExpress Orthodontic Training.

    You can start learning from this course the faster and safer OrthoExpress Orthodontic Technique right now.  Click on the title of a case lesson to get more information about the case. The blue drop-down menu below will give different categories of case types.

    A good way to get acquainted with the course is to start with the FREE CASE (#96196) below. Yes, it is complete and as powerful a learning tool as all the rest of the case lessons.

    Do you already have your free or other case lessons? CLICK HERE to go directly to them. 

Main cases

     Hi, I'm Dr. E. Jan Davidian, DDS, MS, the developer, and owner of OrthoExpress(TM), a faster and safer orthodontic technique. I developed this technique by using data from my Master's Thesis, which won the coveted Milo Hellman First Research Award, and by treating and documenting 150 consecutive patients, from easy to difficult. To the left are some of those 150 consecutive cases. Here are some of the amazing results of my work:

    1 - The "average treatment time" was only 19 months from placing the braces until the braces came off.

    2 - The root resorption was limited to less than one millimeter on the upper incisor teeth.

Two things are critical for you to take note of as you look at these case lessons: The quality of the treatment and the treatment time.

You will learn the secrets of my 50-year career in orthodontics which allowed me to double my profits compared to the US national average. This is the only place you can learn how to treat with the OrthoExpress(TM) Technique. 

Purchase the "BeaCAN 100" program by CLICKING HERE